Home Student Resources

Student Resources


Links to Student Guides, Rules and Regulations on Professional Conduct and Ethics,  the Student Registration and other relevant forms.

With effect from 2024, the examination will be held in March and September instead of June and December.


Past Year questions

June 2019 Dec 2019 Dec 2020 Jun 2021 Dec 2021 June 2022 Dec 2022 June 2023 Dec 2023 Mar 2024
Financial Accounting & Reporting
Personal Taxation
Business Taxation
Advanced Taxation 1
Company & Business Law
Revenue Law
Advanced Taxation 2


Examination Syllabus

Intermediate Level

Final Level

e-CTIM to Students

e-CTIM STU 25/2024 Intensive Revision Classes from the Learning Provider
e-CTIM STU 23/2024 September 2024 Examination Time Table and Notices
e-CTIM STU 22/2024 Webinar on How to Approach Exam Questions and Preparing Answers – Revenue Law
e-CTIM STU 21/2024 Webinar on How to Approach Exam Questions and Preparing Answers – Advanced Taxation 1
e-CTIM STU 11/2024 PAAC Business Institute – Online Classes for CTIM Professional Examination September 2024 (Amended timetable)
e-CTIM STU 10/2024 Intensive Revision Classes from the Learning Provider
e-CTIM STU 1/2024 2024 March 2024 Examination Time Table and Notices
e-CTIM STU 31/2023 PAAC Business Institute-Online Classes for CTIM Professional Examination March 2024 (Amended Timetable & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 30/2023 Change of CTIM Professional Examination Schedule w.e.f. year 2024 (Timetable)
e-CTIM STU 28/2023 Intensive Revision Classes from the Tuition Provider (Timetable & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 27/2023 Addition of Allowable References for the December 2023 Examination  (Amended Timetable)
e-CTIM STU 26/2023 Webinar on How to Approach Exam Question and Preparing an Answer (Outline & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 25/2023 December 2023 Examination Time Table and Notices
e-CTIM STU 15/2023 PAAC Business Institute – Online Classes for CTIM Professional Examination (Timetable & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 14/2023 Changes to FA,CBL, AT2 syllabi
e-CTIM STU 13/2023 Intensive Revision Classes from the Tuition Provider (Timetable & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 12/2023 June 2023 Examination Time Table and Notices
e-CTIM STU 2/2023 Changes to RL, Econ reading list
e-CTIM STU 1/2023 PAAC Business Institute – Online Classes for CTIM Professional Examination (Timetable & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 26/2022 Intensive Revision Classes from the Tuition Provider (Timetable & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 24/2022 December 2022 Examination Time Table and Notices
e-CTIM STU 15/2022 PAAC Business Institute – Online Classes for CTIM Professional Examination (Timetable & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 13/2022 Intensive Revision Classes from the Tuition Provider (Timetable & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 12/2022 June 2022 Examination Time Table and Notices
e-CTIM STU 10/2022 PAAC Business Institute – Online Classes for CTIM Professional Examination and Revised Timetable (Timetable & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 1/2022 Tuition Classes for CTIM Professional Examination (Timetable & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 25/2021 Webinar on How to read, Understand and Interpret Tax Laws (Brochure) (Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 23/2021 December 2021 Examination Time Table and Notices
e-CTIM STU 14/2021  Tuition Classes for CTIM Professional Examination (Timetable)
e-CTIM STU 13/2021 Changes to CTIM Examination Syllabus
e-CTIM STU 11/2021 Changes to CBL reading list
e-CTIM STU 10/2021 June 2021 Examination Time Table and Notices
e-CTIM STU 01/2021 Tuition Classes for CTIM Professional Examination (Timetable)
e-CTIM STU 09/2020 Intensive Revision Course – RL and AT2 (Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 08/2020 December 2020 Examination Time Table and Notices
e-CTIM STU 07/2020 Tuition Classes for CTIM Professional Examination (Timetable & Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 06/2020 Examinations Announcement
e-CTIM STU 04/2020 June 2020 Examination Time Table and Notices
e-CTIM STU 02/2020 Intensive Revision Course – RL and AT2 (Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 01/2020 Tuition Classes for CTIM Professional Examinations (Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 10/2019 Intensive Revision Course – Revenue Law and Advanced Taxation 2 (Registration Form)
e-CTIM STU 09/2019 Tuition Classes for December 2019 Examinations 
e-CTIM STU 08/2019 Notice of December 2019 Examinations Dates
e-CTIM STU 06/2019 Amendments to CTIM Examination Syllabus
e-CTIM STU 05/2019 Reference Book on Taxation
e-CTIM STU 03/2019 Tuition Class for June 2019 Examinations
e-CTIM STU 01/2019 Exam Date Notice
e-CTIM STU 04/2018 Exam Date Notice
e-CTIM STU 02/2018 Exam Date Notice
e-CTIM STU 05/2017 Exam Date Notice
e-CTIM STU 03/2017 Changes to CTIM Examination Syllabus
e-CTIM STU 02/2017 Exam Date Notice
e-CTIM STU 04/2016 Exam Date Notice
e-CTIM STU 02/2016 Exam Date Notice
e-CTIM STU 02/2015 Exam Date Notice
e-CTIM STU 14/2014 Revenue Law Intensive Revision Class (reminder notice)
e-CTIM STU 13/2014 Removal of Students From The Students Membership Register (first reminder)
e-CTIM STU 12/2014 Non-Payment of Student Membership Subscription Fees (first reminder)
e-CTIM STU 10/2014 Removal of Students From The Students Membership Register
e-CTIM STU 9/2014 Non-Payment of Student Membership Subscription Fees
e-CTIM STU 7/2014 Revenue Law Intensive Revision Class
e-CTIM STU 6/2014 Exam Date Notice
e-CTIM STU 5/2014 New Syllabus Notice
e-CTIM STU 4/2014 June 2014 Results
e-CTIM STU 3a/2014 Exam Status Notice
e-CTIM STU 3/2014 December 2013 Result
e-CTIM STU 2/2014 New Syllabus Notice
e-CTIM STU 1/2014 Exam Date Notice