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Tax laws are constantly being updated on a yearly basis to tighten tax loopholes, as well as to ensure that tax laws are reflective of the government’s policies. Despite making up the largest group of tax payers, individually, SMEs face the big challenge in ensuring full compliance of changes to tax legislations due to their size and limited resources at their disposal. Many face the conundrum between survival and ensuring full tax compliance, therefore adopt the strategy of surviving the business first and worry about tax compliance later. This programme aims to highlight the latest developments in tax laws, which, give rise to these tax issues, methods to ensure compliance as well as the consequences of ignoring these tax compliance issues.
Treatment and documentation of Commission Expenses
Illegal and “Grey Area” Transactions
Software in the definition of Royalty
E-Commerce transactions and Digital Advertising
Limited Liability Partnerships vs Sdn Bhd
Deductibility of Tax Agent Fees and Secretarial Fees
Relief for Error or Mistake under Section 131
Directors’ Accounts
Audit Exemption
Assessment under Section 90(3) and late filing of Audited Financial Statement
Taxation of Foreign Source Income received by Tax Resident
Eligibility of SME income tax rate
Interest on related party transactions
Capital Gains Tax