The Income Tax Act 1967 provides that no person shall hold himself as a tax agent, tax consultant, or tax advisor (or similar description) unless licensed under Section153 of the Act. As of January 2024, there are only 2,312 licensed tax agents and not many are active in the industry. In this programme, you will gain an understanding on the licensing requirements, learn how to master the taxation advisory and consultancy business in Malaysia, identify the preliminary requirements to qualify for Section 153 tax agent license, as well as the basic technical and operational knowledge requirements. There will be a practical guidance session to assist you in carrying out a final assessment to identify potential tax agents’ position and/or capabilities prior to submission of Section 153 application with Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia(IRBM).There will also be an explorative session to help you identify the preliminary requirements to qualify for Section 153 tax agent license as well as the basic technical and operational knowledge requirements. This will be a final preparative session for the tax agent interview by IRBM/Ministry of Finance panel.
Preliminary Requisite & Common Mistakes
Getting Prepared For Tax Agent License
Fine Tuning Tax Agent License Application Based On Given Scenarios
Group Discussion
Strategy To Attend IRBM’s Tax Agent Interview and MOF’s Appeal Panel Interview
Final Checklist