Highlight on the employer’s responsibilities of the tax filing of Form E, notifications, Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD), issue of Form EA to employee and Form CP 58 to agent/dealer/distributor.
To discuss on the tax implication on various remuneration and benefits in kind provided to employees.
Highlight on the relevant Public Rulings issued by the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (MIRB).
To discuss an effective way in handling MTD audit conducted by MIRB.
To discuss about the implementation of e-invoice pertaining to employment perquisites and benefits, certain expenses incurred by employee on behalf of the employer and transactions which involve payments in monetary form to agents, dealers or distributors.
To discuss about filing of Forms BE (tax returns for individual without business income).
Employers’ reporting and compliance responsibilities pertaining to submission of Forms, i.e. Forms E, EA, etc.
Notification of commencement and cessation of employment – Forms CP21, CP22, etc.
Employer’s duties on issuance of Form CP 58.
Calculation of MTD and remittance.
Tax implication to both employer and employee in respect of income tax deductions or taxability/ exemptions on the following items provided by employer :-
– Benefits in kind.
– Perquisites.
– Living accommodation benefit.
– Tax borne by employer.
– Gratuity/retirement benefit/compensation for loss of employment.
– Employee Share Scheme Benefit.
Discussions on relevant Public Rulings pertaining to the above.
MTD audit process, employer’s duties and responsibilities in handling the MTD audit.
Employer’s responsibility in issuance of e-invoice for specific transactions with employees, agents, dealers or distributors.
Preparation of tax computation and Forms BE for individual (without business source), residence status, allowable tax deduction and personal reliefs.